Monday, October 30, 2017

Northeast Ohio Rocks! in all 50 States..Cuatro!

Northeast Ohio Rocks! You've done it again. For the fourth time a complete set of rocks have been posted. One in each state. Absolutely incredible!

As Northeast Ohio Rocks! spread across the United States, we started seeing posts from other states.  On July 20, 2017 I posted our very first complete set of Northeast Ohio Rocks! in every state.

You can see our first set here

If one set was not amazing enough, by August 27, 2017 we had another complete set of Northeast Ohio Rocks! in every state.

You can see our second set here

Imagine for a moment how many rocks it takes to spread across the United States, to be found and to be posted. At the Northeast Ohio Rocks! Facebook Group we can estimate that less than 10% of our painted rocks get posted back to our group. The amount of Northeast Ohio Rocks! across the United States is amazing. Our members are amazing! 

But wait, by October 2, 2017 we had another complete set of Northeast Ohio Rocks! in every state. The amount of random acts of kindness our members have created one painted rock at a time is immeasurable. We estimate there are 4 million Northeast Ohio Rocks! painted rocks across Ohio, the United States and the World. 

You can see our third set here

Yes! It has happened again on October 30, 2017. Cuatro Baby! I am so excited to bring you our fourth set of Northeast Ohio Rocks! in every state. 

I am so proud of our group and it's members. We have shared kindness, created smiles and changed communities. The smiles are the best part of it all. Each painted rock that creates a smile served it's purpose and continues on to create more smiles by the finder re-hiding the rock and sharing kindness as it was shared with the finder. Kindness matters. Smiles are contagious. Pass it on.