We started on July 24, 2016. So many of those first members are still members who have helped create this group along the way.
When summer was coming to an end, it was asked what we would do during the winter months. Who knew? We never had been through the winter months. The solution, we would do events.
Our first event was in October 2016 for Akron Children's Hospital. 300+ Northeast Ohio Rocks! rocks were taken to Akron Children's Hospital to be distributed to the children. Members painted rocks for children who are unable to participate in trick or treat or other Halloween events because they were in the hospital.

Our next event, in November 2016, was our Thank a Vet Event. Members painted baskets full of rocks and the rocks were delivered to the members local VFW and American Legion.

As winter got colder and whiter, many of us began to grow a stock pile for Spring. All those rocks were sent our on their journey during our Kick of Summer Event.
By February 2016, we had reached 50,000 members, rocks were beginning to be found other places than Northeast Ohio and people were becoming inspired by our group to start their own groups. And, we caught the eye of National Television. We were interviewed by CBS This Morning. The day of the show we added 3,000 members. The week of the show we added 11,000+ members.
CBS News Hidden Painted Rocks in Ohio Spread Hope and Inspiration
As we are always promised, Spring is soon to follow. As the days got warmer and daylight got longer, we saw a tremendous growth in our group. We started adding 1,000 new members per day.
We held our second "rock drop" as we call them to Akron Children's Hospital.28 Northeast Ohio Rocks! members participated in the Children's Painting Event and created 1073 rocks that were delivered to Akron Children's Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House on March 20, 2017, International Day of Happiness to be distributed to children.

Northeast Ohio Rocks! has been featured on television and in many publications. We are very fortunate to be able to receive this attention so that others may be inspired to share random acts of kindness by painting and hiding rocks.
Northeast Ohio Rocks! in the News
On April 5, 2017 at just 8 months old we added our 100,000th member. I remember feeling so much excitement by what we had accomplished in such a short amount of time. It was another perfect opportunity to thank those who paved the way for Northeast Ohio Rocks.
Always thank you to Aisha Lesh at Port Angeles Rocks for starting our "rocks" movement. What she has done is amazing. Her group has inspired countless groups who have inspired countless groups who have inspired countless groups.
And, to our inspiration group, Whidbey Island Rocks! thank you. The Darnell family started Whidbey Island Rocks in June 2016. The group is full or amazing art and camaraderie.
Port Angeles Rocks
Whidbey Island Rocks
As we continued to grow, more and more Northeast Ohio Rocks! were being found across Ohio, the United States and Around the World.
Northeast Ohio Rocks! Across the United States in all 50 States
More and more groups were being inspired by our group.
Northeast Ohio Rocks! Inspiration Across the Nation
As I said in the beginning, we are learning along the way. At Northeast Ohio Rocks! we want our members to enjoy our group. We want them to be able to come to a place that inspires and uplifts them so that they are free to share kindness. Our first year has seen a lot of firsts. We implemented a hashtag system that allows painters and finders to look up collections of the rocks they painted and the rocks they found. We've created painting events so that our members feel like a family. Their Northeast Ohio Rocks! family. We want our group to be just as much about all it's members as it is known for it's accomplishments.
We've created monthly memorial events for lost loved ones. Our rocks are meant to share kindness. These families paint rocks that inspire the finders to smile. Their smile is created through our members lost loved ones and their smile lives on. These are amazing rocks. Many of the members paint these rocks for the families.
We also have a weekly recognition of members who have participated and supported the group acknowledging an Artist of the Week.
We post inspirational quotes from the internet and create some of our own to share with our members. We also have a little fun with Meme Mondays. Each Monday, I create a rock painting meme to share a smile, maybe a giggle.
There are many different painting events within our group for members to get involved in whether that be our weekly cover photo contest based upon a quirky holiday on the calendar like "National Watermelon Day" or a traditional holiday paintings event. Group members recently participated in painting birthday rocks to celebrate our birthday.
We are currently working on a rock painting campaign, #share100smiles. A smile it one of the easiest ways to share kindness and easy enough for everyone to paint on a rock. To date, 37 members have painted 100 smiles rocks making this rock painting event our largest. There are several members finishing up their smile rocks. The event continues until July 31st.
Whatever your age or ability, come create with us and help us share kindness the Northeast Ohio Rocks! way....one painted rock at a time. Together we can make this amazing because Northeast Ohio Rocks! and so do all of you.
Happy 1st Birthday Northeast Ohio Rocks!