Sunday, August 20, 2017

Northeast Ohio Rocks! In the News Volume 2

On July 24, 2017, Northeast Ohio Rocks turned one year old. It has been a wonderful year.

Read About Our First Year Here

Rock Painting has spread across the United States and around the World. This movement is amazing

Painting Rocks is a great activity that is good for you. Kindness feels good to the giver and the receiver. Sharing kindness one painted rock a time has given people a new way to connect to other people and their communities. If you have not painted and hid rocks to share kindness, you should!

Here we are going into our second year. We continue to grow. Our group has amazing members who understand we paint the rocks, hide the rocks, give them life and send them on their journey to share kindness. 

Our first year was full of events and meeting new people. We look forward to all that our second year brings

Follow the link to read the stories about Northeast Ohio Rocks! and our first year Click Here

New Philadelphia Times Reporter 7/25/17
Group Promotes Random Acts of Kindness One Rock at a Time

Canton Repository 7/29/17
How Many Rocks Do You Have in Your Pocket?

Canton Repository 8/9/17
Children's Network of Stark County Celebrates 30th Year